Ocorreram algumas coisas que comprometeram meu intercâmbio então deixei o blog fora do ar até as coisas se resolverem.
Nesse período as coisas mais que se resolveram, estou com quase tudo encaminhado para a viagem. Minha passagem já foi comprada e vou viajar dia 4 de agosto chegando dia 5 no aeroporto do Copenhague.
Já tenho família, na verdade, três, que é como o Rotary funciona. Por enquanto tenho mais contato com a primeira, vou ter um irmão duas semanas mais velho que eu e outro que não mora na casa e fez intercâmbio no Brasil, minha mãe vai ser minha conselheira e meu pai mostrou algumas habilidades no português.
A cidade se chama Glostrup, a 10km de Copenhague! A escola será a Rødovre* Gymnasium, numa cidade vizinha, muito perto por sinal. Fui informado que vou para as aulas de bicicleta!!
Por enquanto é só, planejo fazer um post mais detalhado e interativo sobre a cidade, família e escola.
Vi ses!
* ainda não faço ideia de como vou conseguir falar esse nome
So, after some months I'm back with Dinamarcando (en: Denmarking)
Somethings happened and they put my exchange year in risk so I set the blog offline until things get better.
During this time things got better than I expected, I'm with almost everything done for my travel. My flight tickets were bought and I leave on August 4 arriving the 5th at Kastrup Airport in Copenhagen.
I already have hostfamily, actually, three, because it's how Rotary YEP works. For now on I have more contact with my first one, I'll have a host brother two weeks older than me and other one who doesn't live at home and went on exchange to Brazil, my host mother will be my counsellor and my host father has some skills in Portuguese language.
The city is called Glostrup, 10 km away of Copenhagen! The school will be Rødovre* Gymnasium, in a nearby city. I was told I'll go to school by bike!!
That's all for now, I plan to make a more detailed and interactive post about the city, family and school
Vi ses,
* I have no idea yet of how I'll pronounce this
Somethings happened and they put my exchange year in risk so I set the blog offline until things get better.
During this time things got better than I expected, I'm with almost everything done for my travel. My flight tickets were bought and I leave on August 4 arriving the 5th at Kastrup Airport in Copenhagen.
I already have hostfamily, actually, three, because it's how Rotary YEP works. For now on I have more contact with my first one, I'll have a host brother two weeks older than me and other one who doesn't live at home and went on exchange to Brazil, my host mother will be my counsellor and my host father has some skills in Portuguese language.
The city is called Glostrup, 10 km away of Copenhagen! The school will be Rødovre* Gymnasium, in a nearby city. I was told I'll go to school by bike!!
That's all for now, I plan to make a more detailed and interactive post about the city, family and school
Vi ses,
* I have no idea yet of how I'll pronounce this

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